If you’ve ever spent much time in Florida, you already know that the humidity can be overwhelming. With humidity comes excess moisture, and with excess moisture comes mold.
It’s almost inevitable that if you live in this area, you are going to deal with mold and mold removal at some point. How do you keep it at bay? Take a look at these Florida mold removal tips!
While cleaning the area may not permanently remove mold, it will reduce mold spores and mold growth in the area. If you notice mold, you should clean the area. Before cleaning, it is very important that you understand how to clean safely.
This means you should wear long gloves, eye protection, and a respirator for the most safety while dealing with mold.
To clean, use a simple dish detergent with water and some sort of disposable towel or rag. Scrub the area gently with your cleaning solution. Throw away cleaning items when finished.
Always make sure the area dries thoroughly.
Sometimes cleaning up the mold is simply not a viable option. In these cases, you should remove objects with mold on them. In some cases of Florida mold removal, this may require removing parts of a floor, wall, or other materials.
Just as with cleaning, care needs to be taken when removing moldy materials. You should wear appropriate safety attire or bring in mold removal experts to help with the process.
Mold can be dangerous when left unattended. You are breathing the spores and bacteria in, and it can get out of control quickly.
You should never just wait and let it continue to worsen. It is very important to act quickly and get mold removed or remediated as soon as possible. This is for the safety of you, your home, and anyone else in the house.
The best thing that you can do is to be proactive. While you don’t always have control of thwarting a mold situation, you can do things that can help. In places with a humid climate, like Florida, try some of these tips to help.
If you’re unsure how to keep mold at bay in Florida, you can leave it to the experts - Restoration Xperts, that is! We are trained in handling mold safely and can help you with mold remediation, cleanup, and even restoration. Give us a call!